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31 results found for: female cannabis plants

Buying Marijuana Seeds From Seeds Bank-Is It Safe?

The marijuana seeds are still considered as the schedule 1 drug and it remains illegal to use or buy in various countries. Even though some countries […]

Sensimilla seedless marijuana

Sensimilla seedless marijuana

All you need to know about sensimilla seedless marijuana. For the highest quality bud, you’ll be growing sensimilla seedless marijuana. This is unfertilized female cannabis plants. Male […]

What Types of Marijuana Buds Are Popular to Stoners

What Types of Marijuana Buds Are Popular to Stoners?

There are a few kinds of marijuana buds or cannabis buds that are popular among stoners and are widely utilized for different purposes. Keep reading the […]

Are you allergic to marijuana

Are you allergic to marijuana?

Are you allergic to marijuana? Are you allergic to marijuana? Did you even know it was possible? Well, apparently there are people allergic to cannabis. Hard […]

BC Chronic

BC Chronic Bud

BC Chronic bud by BC Seeds. They don't call this legend 'da kronik' for nothing!  Its heavy smoke starts in the head then works itself all over the body - knocking novice smokers to their knees.  I’m a chronic toker and a few hits of this gangsta keep me going for hours. Recommended to cancer patients for it's pain numbing effects.


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