
How To Grow Cannabis Discreetly?

How To Grow Cannabis Discreetly?
Learn how to grow cannabis discreetly. Cannabis has various forms and is used for medicinal and recreational purposes. Many people find it difficult to buy it due to its heavy costs and stringent legal issues associated with it. Many also don't trust Government weed and the chemicals they use to fertilize their subpar genetics. Remeber cannabis is something you usually inhale into your lungs. And with the current pandemic, cannabis smokers are taking no chances and strictly growing their own weed. It's safer because you know what you're putting into your body and in these stressful times, cannabis can help...
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Problems With Cannabis Seed Banks

Problems With Cannabis Seed Banks
Problems with cannabis seed banks growing carelessly for profits. Avoid seed banks from legal and heavily grown regions. It's getting very difficult to purchase good seeds from Portugal or Spain because they grow so much weed outdoors and in greenhouses. Pollen from thousands of strains Cannabis pollen from thousands of strains is just blowing in the air, contaiminating everyones genetics for hundreds of miles. You don't end up with the pure genetics they were trying to breed. Often, Indica plants get so containmenated with Sativa pollen and vise versa. It's a guessing game what your strain and flowering times are...
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How To Pass Drug Urine Test In 24 Hours?

How To Pass Drug Urine Test In 24 Hours
Deceiving a drug test can be hard in 24 hours if you do not know the best methods. But with preparation, a few tricks & techniques, it is possible to pass a drug urine test. Maybe your new job requires you to pass a drug urine test, or you are on parole and you need to pass the test to keep your slate clean. Well, whatever maybe the reason, we have the solution. Before we get into how to pass a drug urine test in 24 hours, we would like to remind you that if you’re a heavy drug user...
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Vaping: Safe Way To Consume Marijuana

Vaping Safe Way To Consume Marijuana
Over 3.8% of the world's population consumes marijuana either for recreational activities or for medicinal purposes. But, most of them have the same question, “Is it safe to consume marijuana/weed?” Well, any smoke you inhale is bad for your lungs. Whether you smoke tobacco or weed, their burnt elements will get in your lungs and will irritate the tissues. Smoking for longer periods will cause several issues like, Coughing Air pockets between lungs and between chest wall & lungs Excessive mucus production Weakened immune system So, what is the solution? Should you stop smoking weed? Yes, you should! Does it...
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How Cannabis Can Treat Motion Sickness?

How Cannabis Can Treat Motion Sickness
Having motion sickness is uncomfortable, right? It comes from an oddness between visibly observed movement and our inner brainpower of movement. Cannabis Plant is used to appease motion sickness and vomiting in several conditions. However, can it stop or treat motion sickness? Do you ever felt carsick? Many of us have at some point yet drivers don’t. They might feel ill next time they're in the back seat, yet not once behind the wheel. The minute we talk about amazing insights, or mistakes, we come in a very particular and somewhat enigmatic area of study. Regarding sea sickness, how can...
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