Krokodil Zombie Drug
Krokodil Zombie Drug Watch out for the flesh-eating designer drug. Krokodil zombie drug is a Global epidemic. It has not found its way to the Australia yet. But beware. It is not a drug you want to try. Or, try it at your peril. Police in NSW are warning people about this drug that turns users into addicts really quickly. It is a lot cheaper than buying heroin and 10 times more potent than morphine. Based on codeine, it is named after the affects it has on its users. Wherever the drug is injected into the skin becomes scaly and...
How to Beat Drug Driver Tests in Australia
How to Beat Drug Driver Tests in Australia Beat drug driver tests in Australia may not be legal be if you get caught. But these new drug driving tests could have motorists fooling themselves. Motorists bragging they can fool police roadside drug tests, may find themselves playing Russian roulette with the law. There is much talk about how to cheat these tests. First you must try to understand how long the drug stays in the system. Other ways can be to swallow up1/2 a cup of balsamic vinegar while eating no less than three processed cheese slices. Some swear by...
Cannabis safer than alcohol – Why alcohol destroy lives and cannabis is a safe alternative
Why alcohol destroy lives and cannabis is a safe alternative Cannabis safer than alcohol. A 2015 study shows how governments of developing countries worldwide do not base drug laws on any type of science. The study Comparative risk assessment of alcohol, tobacco, cannabis and other illicit drugs using the margin of exposure approach published in Science Reports found cannabis has the lowest risk of death from its use. The study compared how dangerous recreational drugs were to the mortality and health of drug users. The drugs studied were diazepam, cocaine, tobacco, cannabis, alcohol, heroin, amphetamine, ecstasy, methadone and methamphetamine. Surprisingly,...
Ayahuasca Powerful Jungle Hallucinogen
Ayahuasca The Powerful Jungle Hallucinogen Ayahuasca the powerful jungle hallucinogen. Ayahuasca is a hallucinogen created using a mix of Amazonian plants. Drink it brewed into a tea and its effects last up to 8 hours. Its primary use is as a medicine among Amazonian tribes. Shamans also use it to communicate with the spirits of nature or to help see why a patient is sick on a spiritual level. This drug is usually taken in a tea ceremony under the guidance of an experienced ayahuasca user. The jungle vine banisteriopsis caapi is the main ingredient. It's mixed with a small...
How To Grow Coca Seeds Indoors
How to grow coca seeds indoors How you can grow coca seeds indoors. We all wish we could grow coca plants in our part of the world. The best way to get the seeds is straight from the bush when they fall to the ground. You can keep them damp, in a dark place, for up to 2 weeks before planting. Store them in damp sphagnum. But, check them regularly as you do not want them to rot or sprout prematurely. They are not a seed that can be dried out before planting. Obtaining seeds straight from the plant is...